NEWS     19 | 06 | 2020

Workshop with the MS Care Unit

A major milestone was achieved in WP4 devoted to the implementation phase of the project by tailoring the MULTI‐ACT Collective Research Impact Framework (CRIF) to multiple sclerosis (MS) as the first case study.

A workshop with the MS Care Unit (MSCU) took place in the second half of May in the form of three two sessions (in replacement of a face to face meeting initially scheduled on 4 March). Most MSCU stakeholder categories were represented in the workshop as well as most partners of the MULTI-ACT consortium.

The first session focused on an exchange between MSCU representatives and the MULTI-ACT consortium on the MSCU governance (mission/ activities/ stakeholders) followed by a presentation on the  concept of materiality analysis. In addition, the MULTI-ACT Patient Engagement guidelines were presented as well as the available toolbox functionalities.  The second session focused on the implementation of materiality analysis on the MSCU based on the selection of the impact aspects by the MS Care Unit stakeholder representatives who participated in the first session.

The workshop was well valued by both parties in the spirit of co-creation.  It highlighted the rooms for improvement for the MSCU to establish a structure with multi-stakeholder and accountable governance. Tailored recommendations will be delivered to the MSCU based on the outcomes of the workshop.  The feedback from the MSCU will help  MULTI-ACT refine its framework including the materiality analysis methodology that leads to the construction of the master scorecard.

The recommendations and the review of the MULTI-ACT CRIF will form the content of the next two deliverables that will conclude WP4 activities.
