
NEWS     27 | 09 | 2018
MULTI-ACT Virtual Stakeholders Strategic Meeting

The first MULTI-ACT Virtual Stakeholders Strategic Meeting was held on 27th September with an aim to engage a core group of stakeholders relevant to the MULTI-ACT projects' strategic mission and …

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NEWS     19 | 06 | 2018
Project promotion at the EAN congress 2018

More than 6700 neurologists met in Lisbon in June during the 4th Congress of European Academy of Neurology. European Brain Council had a dedicated booth where MUTLI-ACT was promoted through …

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NEWS     15 | 05 | 2018
Multi-act kick off meeting

The MULTI-ACT project was officially launched at the meeting in Genova on 14-15 May 2018 with participation of all project partners as well as representative of the European Commission. On this …

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